Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mom's Chinese Drunken Chicken

Red Geisha's FIRST Recipe Alert! And I guarantee you that NO ONE else has this recipe - until now!

Mom's Chinese Drunken Chicken is one of those recipes passed down from generations of grandmothers then to your mother and then if you happen to be interested in food, then it's passed on to you. It may be an aquired taste because of the Chinese wine but if you are a fan of authentic chinese food, this should be an appetizing dish for you and your friends.

Here is what you need:

-6 drumsticks ( I buy from Trader Joe's since they claim to have no antibiotics or hormones in their chicken and I live by that)
-Goji Berries (any Asian supermarket - $1.99/bag or if you go Shi-Shi then Whole Foods Mkt and you can pay up to $5.99/bag)
-1/4 bottle of Shiao-Xing Wine (Asian market like Ranch 99, $1.50 bottle)
-Salt, Pepper

-To start, you want to drop your drumsticks in boiling water
-Boil for approximately 8 minutes until chicken is cooked
-Pour hot water over a handful of Goji berries. Soak for 20 minutes
-Wait until drumsticks are cool and dry then put into a ziploc plastic bag
-Pour 1/4 bottle of Shiao-Xing Wine into bag with drumsticks
-Massage the wine into the drumsticks
-Drain the water out of the Goji Berries and add into the bag of chicken
-Eyeball a little salt and grind a bunch of pepper into the bag
-Swish the bag till every part is marinated
-12 - 24 hrs later, you can eat the chicken cold or microwave it for 2 min. and serve on plate
-Cheers to Mom's Drunken Chicken!!! Enjoy! Hope you like it! ps... Mom looks cute and is so proud of Red Geisha's blog! She wants you to come over for dinner!!!

Keep Voting to make us #1! We love you! Thanks!

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